Strawberry Oregano Dressing

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Welcome May!  Your sunny days warm our hearts with the promises summer bounty soon-to-come.  Oh wait!  What’s that foggy drizzle out my window?  Ahh, that’s May on the coast.  May Gray, shall we say?  Dear Mr. Sun: Please visit soon!

But what does early May really mean?  The start of our outdoor Farmers’ Markets!  And this week, with excited trembles, is Upwell Gardens’ very first Farmers’ Market EVER!  To ring in this early summer market, here’s a quick and fresh recipe to get you dreaming of sunshine.  Come visit me at the market this week to pick up a recipe card and a bunch of this week’s feature herb: Greek oregano!

Strawberries just hit local supermarket shelves a few weeks ago, but it may be a bit early for the local Farmers’ Markets.  I’m not growing strawberries myself this year, but check with our other vendors; if they don’t have them just yet, I’m sure they will soon.

This dressing can be made super fast and easy with a blender.  I, however, prefer my dressing with a hefty amount of strawberry chunks, unattainable with a blender.  I also remember the times when I was blender-less and the resulting frustration of learning to cook with recipes that assumed I had all the latest gadgets.  Yes, blender = high tech gadget.  Now you understand my world.


To make the dressing my old-fashioned way:


Rinse, hull, and chop your strawberries to desired chunk-size (I like about 1/4-inch).  4-5 medium-size strawberries is not a precise measurement, but this is not a precise recipe.  I used about 140 grams, but you can adjust that to your preferred level of strawberryness.





Strip the oregano leaves from the stem and slice them into fine strips.  I like to stack the leaves on top of one another and slice all at once.  A few of the smaller leaves may escape the knife, but remember this is a chunky recipe.  Chunks ok!



I mash the strawberries with the salt, olive oil, and vinegar for added lubrication.  A fork and a bowl is all you need, though I’d recommend a slightly larger bowl than mine to ease mashing and minimize splashing.


Finally fold in the oregano and you’ve got a healthy, delicious, easy dressing!  If you have the time, let the dressing rest on the counter for an hour or more to let the flavors mellow and meld.  This recipe makes almost a cup of dressing and keeps about 5 days in the refrigerator.  It’s perfect on any salad, mixed into yogurt, or even spooned over ice cream!


Let me know what you think in the comments below!



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